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Executive Order 13287
"Preserve America"
Photograph of dedication ceremony of Lunar Science Institute

Executive Order (E. O.) 13287, "Preserve America," was created on March 3, 2003 when former President Bush signed the Executive Order. Beginning September 30, 2004, the executive order provides that each Federal agency report to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and the U. S. Department of Interior the status of its historic property management plan. Progress update reports are due September 30, 2005 and every third year thereafter.

The two primary purposes of the E. O. are as follows:

  1. Encourage federal agencies to work with local communities to encourage heritage tourism and, to the extent practicable, increase opportunities for public access to historic properties managed by Federal agencies.
  2. Improve Federal agency stewardship of historic properties under their management by first identifying such properties and then providing plans to adequately maintain and care for these historic properties.

NASA Compliance with Executive Order 13287, Selected Reports:

+ NASA Report, Fiscal Years 2021-2023
+ NASA Report, Fiscal Years 2018-2020
+ NASA Report, Fiscal Years 2015-2017
+ NASA Report, Fiscal Years 2012-2014
+ NASA Report, Fiscal Years 2009-2011
+ NASA Report, Fiscal Years 2006-2008

Heritage tourism summary reports prepared by April Gage:
+ Ames Research Center Heritage Tourism Summary, 2017
+ Ames Research Center Heritage Tourism Summary, 2016
+ Ames Research Center Heritage Tourism Summary, 2015
+ Ames Research Center Heritage Tourism Summary, 2014
+ Ames Research Center Heritage Tourism Summary, 2013
+ Ames Research Center Heritage Tourism Summary, 2012


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