The Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan (ICRMP) was prepared as part of the Center's Section 110 responsibilities, in accordance with NASA procedural requirements for cultural resources management. The ICRMP provides a baseline inventory of the status of knowledge about historic and cultural resources present at the Center, the regulations and policies that apply to their management, procedures for implementing historic preservation and cultural resources management programs, and a series of standard operating procedures that will guide future actions that may be subject to Section 106 review.
Ultimately, the ICRMP is a tool that outlines practical means for NASA Ames Research Center and its tenants/lessees to comply with the various cultural resources management legal requirements. It focuses on specific actions NASA must take to gain and maintain compliance status with applicable laws and regulations, and specific actions to help minimize potential effects to historic properties.
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Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Sections
+ 1: Section 106 Consultation
+ 2: Identifying and Evaluating Resources
+ 3: Reassessing Resources that Turn 50 Years of Age
+ 4: Nominating Exceptionally Significant Historic Properties to the
+ 5: Maintaining, Repairing, Altering, Demolishing, Leasing, or
Transferring Existing Buildings or Structures
+ 6: Coordination of Tenant/Lessee Projects with CRM Program
+ 7: Protecting Archaeological Resources
+ 8: Inadvertent Discovery of Archaeological Resources
+ 9: Treatment of Human Remains and Funerary/Sacred Objects
+ 10: Native American Consultation
+ 11: Curating Archaeological Collections
+ 12: Emergency Procedures in the Event of Natural or Other