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Cold War Era Historical Resources
NASA Ames Research Center and
Crows Landing Flight Facility

Cold War Surveys were conducted at NASA Ames Research Center and Crows Landing Flight Facility to determine if any assets or structures located at these facilities might be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, based on criteria set forth in the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Identification and Evaluation.

Criteria Consideration G, which was used for this survey and evaluation, states that "a property achieving significance within the last fifty years is eligible if it is of exceptional importance." None of the properties in this study were found to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places based on National Register Criteria G (36 CFR Part 60.4).

Individual Forms
Select a building number from the drop down list below to view its corresponding 523 evaluation form.

NASA Ames Research Center:

NASA Crows Landing: + All Building Reports (9 MB PDF file)

Interactive Map

To download 523 forms by building location using interactive maps, click on any of the five regions of the map on the right.

(NOTE: The map will open in a new window.)

thumbnail image of map Select Ames Campus Region Select NASA Research Park Region Select CA Air National Guard Region Select top of ESA Region Select lower ESA Region

Cold War Resources Report
Below is an electronic version of the Final Inventory and Evaluation of Cold War Era Historical Resources at Moffett Federal Airfield and the NASA Crows Landing Flight Facility, dated March 1999. Due to its large size, the document is split into five separate files.

+ 1. Table of Contents and Report (4.4 MB PDF file)

+ 2. Appendix, DPR 523 Forms (part 1) (7 MB PDF file)

+ 3. Appendix, DPR 523 Forms (part 2) (9 MB PDF file)

+ 4. Appendix, DPR 523 Forms (part 3) (6 MB PDF file)

+ 5. Appendix, DPR 523 Forms (part 4) (4 MB PDF file)

Below is correspondence between the Ames Historic Preservation Officer and the California State Historic Preservation Office regarding this Cold War era survey.

+Survey Correspondence, 1998-1999


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