Hangar 1 is a major contributing building in the US Naval Air Station Sunnyvale Historic District (also known as the Shenandoah Plaza Historic District). The entire Shenandoah Plaza Historic District is listed in the National Register of Historic Places at the National level of significance under Criterion A for its association with coastal defense and naval technology that has made a significant contribution to the broad pattern of our history; and Criterion C reflecting the distinctive type, period, method of construction and high artistic values that are represented in the 1933. The historic significance of Hangar 1 was also recognized when it was designated a Naval Historical Monument. It was also designated as a California Historic Civil Engineering Landmark by the San Francisco section of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
Hangar 1 Rehabilitation
For technical information about the project, see the Section 106 documentation:
+ Hangar 1 Rehabilitation (NASA_2019_1210_001, NASA_2020_1206_001, NASA_2020_0413_002)
This April 25, 2022 NASA story provides timelines related to the development, deskinning, and restoration of Hangar 1, as well as fast facts and links to more information:
+ Hangar One Restoration Project
Hangar 1 Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Report
A Historic American Engineering Record was developed for Hangar 1 in order to capture the history and context of the structure prior to any action being taken that could compromise the integrity of the building. HAER documentation level one was used for the Hangar 1 HAER.
Along with the American Society of Civil Engineers and the Library of Congress, the National Park Service established HAER in 1969 to document historic sites and structures related to engineering and industry. The HAER collections document achievements in architecture, engineering, and design in the United States and its territories through a comprehensive range of building types and engineering technologies.
Below is a digital copy of the HAER that was developed for Hangar 1, as well as supporting photographs and architectural drawings. The original documents were given to the National Park Service by the United States Department of the Navy.
+ Hangar 1 Historic Engineering Record, #CA-335 (5 MB)
+ Contemporary Photography of the Hangar 1 Structure (16 MB)
+ Original Architectural Drawings of Hangar 1 (2 MB)
+ Restoration Drawings of Hangar 1 (17 MB)
Hangar 1 and Moffett Federal Airfield: Legacy RFP Web Site
On May 28, 2013 NASA and the U.S. General Services Administration issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to obtain lease proposals for the rehabilitation and adaptive reuse of Hangar One, and for the operation, management, and maintenance of Moffett Federal Airfield. The RFP Web site provides a schedule, detailed information about the proposed long-term lease, and supporting documentation.
+ Access the legacy Hangar 1 and Moffett Federal Airfield RFP Web Site |
Hangar 1 Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Plan, November 30, 2011
This 2011 plan provided an analysis of the existing conditions and various options for the re-skinning and re-use of Hangar 1, when the historic structure was undergoing removal of contaminated materials, primarily leaving a steel structure.
The siding removal project was performed by and in coordination with the U.S. Navy, which had former stewardship of the hangar. A Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation plan is required to evaluate the condition of the facility and to enable potential re-use alternatives, identify requirements and potential costs.
+ Hangar 1 Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Plan, Volume 1 (32 MB)
+ Hangar 1 Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Plan, Addendum 1 (90 KB)
Hangar 1 Rehabilitation Project: Request for Information
NASA issued a request for information to better understand the materials, costs, and methods involved with rehabilitating the siding, roof, and windows of Hangar 1. Complete RFI documentation previously available for download from the NASA Acquisition Internet Service (NAIS) has been archived. The document number is NNA10DF64L.
Hangar 1 Photograph Gallery
This gallery contains images of Hangar 1 before and after the building skin was removed in 2013. (For more images of Hangar 1, see also the Hangar 1 Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) Report and legacy RFP site.)
+ View the photograph gallery
Hangar 1 on National Trust For Historic Preservation (NTHP) 2008 list of America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places
NTHP News Release dated May 20, 2008:
+ Stunning Piece of California's Aviation History Hangs in the Balance (164 KB PDF file)
NTHP Web site:
+ 2008 11 Most Endangered Places
San Francisco Chronicle Web site:
+ State Treasures on Endangered List
*Note: There are differing opinions about the correct way to reference the name of this hangar. The original architectural drawings refer to the structure as "Hangar No. 1" but, for decades, this hangar has been widely referred to as both "Hangar 1" and "Hangar One." Because a definitive way of presenting the name of the structure has not emerged, references to it vary in the documentation available here.