The Historic Preservation Office oversees cultural resources management at Ames Research Center. Cultural resources include historic buildings, sites, objects and districts, archaeological sites and artifacts, sacred sites, and other tribal cultural resources. Ames Research Center is home to several unique historic properties that have important significance and are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The Ames Campus and Moffett Federal Airfield (former Naval Air Station Moffett Field) represent two distinct historical developments that are part of the overall prehistoric and historic contexts for cultural resources at Ames Research Center. The Historic Preservation Office manages the identification and documentation of historic properties and cultural resources records. The Cultural Resources Manager provides representation for Ames Research Center in all matters related to historic preservation, including compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended.
Historic Preservation Office Contacts
Trina Meiser
Cultural Resources Manager, Ames Research Center
+ maria.k.meiser@nasa.gov
April Gage
Senior Archivist, Ames Research Center (NCS, PCI)
+ ARC-DL-archives@mail.nasa.gov
